How to Make an LED Batman Armored Helmet from Batman v Superman

Everyone wants to be Batman.


Not in the most literal sense, mind you. The money and the mansion are perks, yes… but I wouldn’t trade my family for all the gadgets in the world. What I meant when I typed the above was that all of us, whether we’ve read the comic or not, want to do good despite not being born with superpowers. We all want to be Batman.

And we are, in the ways we can. Not everyone can parkour across rooftops or roundhouse kick muggers. It’s a more minimalist interpretation. We tip servers extra. We help carry groceries. We check in with those around us, reminding them they’re not alone. We help in the ways we’re able to, with what we have, because that’s what it means to be Batman.

Because, in all the interpretations of Batman there’s been over the years – across different forms of media – at the core of his being is a desire to help.

That’s what we do through our channel, is help. We produce content that teaches you, our viewers, how to accomplish tasks you find yourself having trouble completing. We share our knowledge in the hope that it reaches those who need it.

Sounds a little bit like Batman, right?

Everyone wants to be Batman, even us at Innominate Kraken. It’s why we made our own helmets based on the Batman design from Batman v. Superman. These helmets make the dream of Batman a touch more real.

Warner Bros. Pictures | DC Comics

Warner Bros. Pictures | DC Comics


Although we couldn’t afford the materials Bruce Wayne used in his design, we adapted and used a type of foam many cosplayers use. Cutting the shapes out really tested our mettle, however, and like clues at a crime scene we had to puzzle over the pieces to put the helmet together. Gluing, painting, and installing lights for the eye sockets were the steps necessary to arrive at a completed Batman helmet. It was like a crafter’s trials to prove our worthiness of taking up the mantle of Batman.

I think we proved our worth.

However, we were Batman way before the idea to make a helmet crossed our minds.

Like I’ve repeated above, Batman isn’t about a costume, or a dark past, or even a life devoted to fighting crime. Batman is an ideal that strives to help others. It was born from a scared boy seeing his reflection in the face of his city on the saddest day of his life, and vowing to never let anyone else feel the same.

Batman is a promise to not give in to the darkness, though it might be easier to do so. It’s a legacy of good to live up to. Batman inspired generation and will continue to inspire as his story is retold over and over.

Everyone wants to be Batman. The good news is, helmet or no, we all already are.

(But you should still make the helmet!)


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